More than a billion people are obese

Araştırma: Dünya genelinde bir milyardan fazla insan obezite/Research: More than one billion people worldwide are obese

전 세계 성인 43%가 과체중”/ “43% of adults worldwide are overweight

世卫组织:全球超10亿人患肥胖症 青少年肥胖人数激增/WHO: More than 1 billion people worldwide are obese, and the number of adolescents is soaring

Quase metade da população mundial em idade adulta com peso a mais/Almost half of the world’s adult population is overweight

Più di 1 miliardo di persone nel mondo convivono con l’obesità, 1 persona su 8. I dati Oms 2022 pubblicati su The Lancet/More than 1 billion people in the world live with obesity, 1 in 8 people. WHO 2022 data published in The Lancet

Salute: una persona su otto convive con l’obesità/Health: one in eight people live with obesity

Starkes Übergewicht: Zahl Betroffener laut Studie rasant gestiegen/Severe obesity: According to the study, the number of those affected has risen rapidly

Mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen leiden an Adipositas/More than a billion people suffer from obesity

Adipositas Warum immer mehr Menschen an Übergewicht leiden/Why more and more people are suffering from obesity

160 Millionen Kinder stark übergewichtig/160 million children are severely overweight

ВОЗ зафиксировала увеличение вдвое числа людей с ожирением с 1990 года/WHO has recorded a doubling of the number of obese people since 1990