Non-Communicable Diseases

We coordinate Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), a global network of health scientists and practitioners who collaborate to provide rigorous and timely global data on risk factors for NCDs. We also are a partner in NCD Countdown 2030, an independent collaboration to inform policies that aim to reduce the worldwide burden of NCDs, and to ensure accountability towards this aim, especially towards SDG target 3.4. We also study the variations in NCDs across populations and over time, to better understand the role of public health and clinical interventions in disease trends and patterns. The work is done in close collaboration with the World Health Organization.

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223 entries « 2 of 45 »

NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)

Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c

Nature Medicine, 29 , pp. 2885-2901, 2023.


NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)

Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development

Nature, (615), pp. 874–883, 2023.


Zhang M, Shi Y, Zhou B, Huang Z, Zhao Z, Li C, Zhang X, Han G, Peng K, Li X, Wang Y, Ezzati M, Wang L, Li Y

Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in China, 2004-18: findings from six rounds of a national survey

BMJ, 380 , pp. e071952, 2023.


Paalanen L, Levälahti E, Mäki P, Tolonen H, Sassi F, Ezzati M, Laatikainen T

Association of socioeconomic position and childhood obesity in Finland: a registry-based study

BMJ Open , 12 (12), pp. e068748, 2022.


Kanagasabai T, Carter E, Yan L, Chan Q, Elliott P, Ezzati M, Kelly F, Xie G, Yang X, Zhao L, Guo D, Daskalopoulou SS, Wu Y, Baumgartner J

Cross-sectional study of household solid fuel use and renal function in older adults in China

Environmental Research, 219 , pp. 115117, 2022.


223 entries « 2 of 45 »

Non Communicable Diseases