Abeer Arif
Project Manager in Epidemiology and Population Health
Dr. Ana Barradas Pires
Research Associate in Population Health Analytics
Dr. James Bennett
Statistical Manager
Yse D’Ailhaud De Brisis
Research Assistant in Population Health
Vishwanath Doreswamy
Research Assistant in Artificial Intelligence and Population Health
Prof. Majid Ezzati
Chair in Global Environmental Health
Agnese Galeazzi
Research Assistant in Population Health
Dr. Ricky Nathvani
Early Career Research Fellow in Data Science and Machine Learning
Archie Rayner
Research Assistant in Population Health Analytics
Dr. Bin Zhou
Research Fellow in Health Analytics and Machine Learning
Honorary Members
Dr. Perviz Asaria
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Imperial College London
Prof. Mariachiara Di Cesare
Director of the Institute for Public Health and Wellbeing; University of Essex
Dr. Anu Mishra
Senior Research Scientist; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
PROF. Chris Paciorek
Statistical Computing Consultant and Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics; University of California Berkeley
Dr. Andrea Rodriguez Martinez
Principal Scientist in Genetics & EHR; BenevolantAI
Dr. Jennifer Sargent
Consultant; World Health Organisation
Dr. Gretchen Stevens
Consultant Statistician; World Health Organization
Past Members
Dr. Alireza Ahmadvand
Associate Professor, School of Medicine and Dentistry; Griffith University
Dr. Raphael Arku
Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health and Health Sciences; University of Massachusetts Amherst
Dr. Perviz Asaria
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Imperial College London
Prof. Jill Baumgartner
Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Occupational Health, School of Population and Global Health; McGill University
Dr. James Bentham
Reader in Statistics in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics; Newcastle University
Dr. Ver Luanni Feliciano Bilano
Senior Analyst; Creativ-Ceutical
Dr. Honor Bixby
Postdoctoral Research Fellow; University of Essex
Dr. Heather Carmichael
Surgery Resident, Department of Surgery; University of Colorado
Dr. Rodrigo Carrillo Larco
Associate Academic Research Scientist, Department of Global Health Rollins School of Public Health; Emory University
Dr. Queenie Chan
Observational Research Senior Manager; Amgen
Dr. Hyunok Choi
Associate Professor and Director, Children’s Environmental Precision Health Institute; Lehigh University
Dr. Sierra Clark
Lecturer in Population Health; St Georges University
Prof. Goodarz Danaei
Bernard Lown Professor of Cardiovascular Health, Department of Global Health and Population & Department of Epidemiology; Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Prof. Mariachiara Di Cesare
Director of the Institute for Public Health and Wellbeing; University of Essex
Rodrigo Dias
Internal Auditor, Office of the Comptroller General; Government of Brazil
Dr. Kathie Dionisio
Environmental Health Scientist, National Exposure Research Laboratory; US EPA
Abigail Donner
Executive Director; Global Center for Gender Equality
Prof. Farshad Farzadfar
Director of Non-Communicable Diseases Research Center; Tehran University of Medical Science
Dr. Mariel Finucane
Director of Statistical Methods; Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Dr. Kyle Foreman
Senior Manager, Research Science, Grocery Forecasting; Amazon
Dr. Lea Fortunato
Principal Statistician; GlaxoSmithKline
Dr. Ari Friedman
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine; University of Pennsylvania
Rachel Heap
Senior Wellbeing and Public Health Officer; Mid and South Essex Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Dr. Maria Laura Caminia Iurilli
Epidemiological Data Scientist; all.health
Dr. Mehdi Khoury
Senior Research Fellow; University of Exeter
Dr. Vasilis Kontis
Machine Learning Engineer; Deliveroo
Dr. Sandeep Kulkarni
Partner and Managing Director; KVP Capital
Dr. Guangquan Li
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering; Northumbria University
Prof. Hsien-Ho Lin
Associate Dean, College of Public Health & Director of the Global Health Program; National Taiwan University
Dr. John Lin
Hematology/Oncology Fellow, Penn Medicine; University of Pennsylvania Health System
Dr. Yuan Lu
Assistant Professor, Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation; Yale School of Medicine
Dr. Giulia Mangiameli
Scientific Project Manager, Health Data Science; Human Technopole
Barbara Metzler
Research Associate in Urban Analytics; Alan Turing Institute
Dr. Anu Mishra
Senior Research Scientist; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Emily Muller
Machine Learning Engineer; Wellcome Trust
Dr. Amir Houshang Omidvari
Postdoctoral Researcher in Cardiovascular Diseases, Convergence for Health and Technology Program; Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam
Dr Shefali Oza
Research Fellow; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Dr. Robbie Parks
Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences; Columbia University
Dr. Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard
Head of Health Analytics & Partner; Lane Clark & Peacock LLP. Chair, Health Inequalities Programme Board; Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Pamela Pelizzari
Principal and Senior Healthcare Consultant; Milliman
Nowell Phelps
PhD student; John Hopkins University
Prof Roland Pongou
Professor of Economics; University of Ottawa
Dr. Catlin Powers
Co-Founder and CEO; One Earth Designs
Theo Rashid
Data Science Fellow; faculty.ai
Dr. Mayuree Rao
Fellow in Health Services Research & Development; Seattle VA Medical Center
Dr. Andrea Rodriguez Martinez
Principal Scientist in Genetics & EHR; BenevolantAI
Dr. Michael Rooney
Director, Computational Biology; BioNTech US
Kate Sheffer
Public Health Intelligence Specialist; Newcastle City Council
Dr. Niloofar Shoari
Early Career Research Fellow, MRC Centre for Environment and Health; Imperial College London
Dr. Gitanjali Singh
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy; Tufts University
Rosie Singleton
Dr. Isabelle Soerjomataram
Deputy Branch Head, Cancer Surveillance; International Agency for Research on Cancer
Bethlehem Solomon
PhD Student; Imperial College London
Marisa Sophiea
Research Fellow; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Dr. Gretchen Stevens
Consultant Statistician; World Health Organization
Dr. Esra Suel
Lecturer in City Modelling; University College London. Senior Assistant; ETH Zurich
Dr. Cristina Taddei
Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation; Imperial College Business School
Dr. Aidan Wickham
Senior Research Scientist, Digital Health, Population Health; Flo Health Inc
Dr. Helen Tamura-Wicks
Data Scientist; Science to Data Science (S2DS)
Dr. Jennifer Yeh
Associate Professor of Pediatrics; Harvard Medical School. Associate Scientific Researcher, Division of General Paediatrics; Boston Children's Hospital